Since its creation, the Paprec Group has based its development on an essential pillar, a cardinal value that must motivate every employee in his or her daily work: business ethics and the fight against all forms of corruption.
Companies are now legally obliged to take care of their waste. We can advise you on how to implement the right solutions to ensure that your waste is taken care of and treated.
Thanks to our 300 industrial sites in ten countries, we can offer solutions as close as possible to our customers. These locations enable us to be particularly responsive and to limit our CO2 emissions from transport.
The expertise we've built up over the years means we can offer you the best technical solutions for your needs. We are equally at home in industry, construction, hazardous waste and even tertiary sector waste in offices and shops.

Anti-corruption code of conduct
As a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, the Group is committed to combating all forms of corruption and has set itself rules in this area that are a guarantee of its reputation. These rules are detailed in this anti-corruption code of conduct.
These rules must be applied by each and every one of you in the performance of your day-to-day duties, for all of the Group's activities in France and abroad. They also apply to our stakeholders, in particular our customers, suppliers and partners.
Paprec will not tolerate the application of these rules, which have always been at the heart of the Group's DNA.
Internal alert procedure
If you witness illegal acts within the Paprec Group, you can inform the internal referent(s) by means of an internal whistleblowing system. This system makes it possible to report facts concerning a crime or misdemeanour, a threat or harm to the general interest or an attempt to conceal a violation of the law or regulations.

Ethics Charter
This charter defines the principles and values to which the Paprec group and all its subsidiaries adhere and which each employee must observe in the course of his or her work. It recalls the fundamental principles of our group: loyalty and integrity in relations with all our stakeholders, as well as respect for others.
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